Michael Griffith’s most recent novel, Trophy (Triquarterly), was named one of Kirkus Reviews’ Best 25 Books of Fiction for 2011. His previous books are Bibliophilia (2003) and Spikes (2001), both from Arcade. Griffith’s fiction and nonfiction have appeared in The Washington Post,Chicago Quarterly ReviewVirginia Quarterly Review, Ninth Letter, Salmagundi, Oxford American, New England Review, Shenandoah, Ninth Letter, Southwest Review, Five Points, Blackbird, , and other periodicals. His work has been honored by fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Humanities Center, the Taft Foundation, the Louisiana Division of the Arts, and the Sewanee Writers’ Conference. Michael Griffith was educated at Princeton and Louisiana State University. Formerly Associate Editor of the Southern Review, he is Professor of English at the University of Cincinnati and Fiction Editor of the Cincinnati Review. He is also the Editor of Yellow Shoe Fiction, an original-fiction series from LSU Press.